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Dry Filtration

Filter Bags for Dust Collector

We provide a variety of filter media to meet your specific application. These include:

  • Polyester-epitropic
  • Polypropylene
  • Polyester
  • Polyacrylonitrile
  • Rhyton
  • Nomex
  • These bags are made in a tubular form by three parallel stitches with an appropriate fixing mode. The bags may be provided with a cage.

    If a proper filter media is not selected the following problems could arise:
  • High-pressure drop resulting in lack of suction
  • Excessive strain on motor
  • Joints and door seals leading to high energy consumption and eventual mechanical failure
  • Premature bag blinding
  • Dust and fume emissions
  • Premature bag failure due to heat, chemicals or mechanical degradation
  • Excessive annual expenditure on maintenance and bag replacement
  • Poor bag cleaning
  • Fire and explosion hazards caused by the build-up of static electricity

    Filter Bags for Fluidized Bed Dryers

    Cloth offered for FBD bags are:

  • Epitropic cloth
  • Polyester cotton satin
  • Cotton satin
  • Our stitching facility is versatile enough to accommodate small laboratory models up to a 59 fingers bag. A detailed measurement and a parity of dimensions of the bag results in a longer life and efficient running of your machine.

    The parameters of efficient filter bags for pharmaceutical products and drying fine chemicals are as follows:
  • Product Retention - Keeping losses to a minimum
  • Low air resistance - For maximum throughout
  • Lack of fibre shedding - For product purity
  • Accurate Tailoring - Some styles critical
  • Electrical Properties - Reliable Dissipative characteristics

    Singhania Industries
    40, Jagat Satguru Industrial Estate, Off Aarey Road, Vishweshwar Nagar,
    Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400063, INDIA Phone: (91-22) 2685 5776 / 2927 6918
    FAX: (91-22) 2685 6757 / 2685 5108
    email: info@singhaniaindustries.com